Sunday, June 25, 2006

FIFA BABY!!!!! - Weekend update / Studies update

Wow, what a weekend it's been. Spent all day at my parents' house yesterday. Steve and my dad had to replace the liner in my parents pool. They were out in the heat all day long - it was around 90 degrees out there. I cooked on the grill for everyone last night. First time ever cooking on a grill - but everyone said I did a good job. We didn't get home until after 9 PM last night. Steve is sunburnt real bad - and the kids are heat exhausted.

This morning I got up and watched some World Cup. England was playing Equador. I'm English - so of course I had to watch my team play. England won!!! Lucky free kick from Beckham - but it won them the game so I'm happy. Now I'm going to spend the rest of the day doing laundry and lazing around the house. Steve is sleeping - and the kids are winey from their heat exhaustion.

Studies Update

I've been doing some studying this week. Had a really weird experience the other day. I was driving home from work - and I kept picturing a wreck. I was driving really careful - and there was a semi in front of me so I was keeping my eye on it. Half way home, I come around a corner and at the top of the hill there are cop cars everywhere. A wreck!! I had to sit in traffic for a while, an ambulance came flying by. When we finally got through it, I saw a car that had gone off of a ravene. It wasn't what I had "envisioned" but it was still weird that I had this feeling all the way to coming up to the wreck. I've also been having some weird dreams. One was me in a field of beautiful flowers dancing around - I slept really good that night. I've been doing a lot of thinking about what road I'm going to take with the studying. It seems of though my thoughts have lead me to a Celtic path - not really sure what or how indepth that path will be. I'm studying a lot about the Celtic pantheon. After I'm satisfied with my pantheon studies, I want to move more indepth. Been focused a lot on the Wheel of the Year. It's amazing how many pagan holidays are very similar in meaning and dates of Christian holidays. I'm still at the beginning of a very difficult labyrinth - but with my "guide" and the great resources I've come across I'm sure I'll get through it and find whatever it is that I'm searching for.

1 comment:

Living Dees Life said...

As you study the Sabbats more, you'll realize that your christian holidays took from the "old heathens" so make the transition of turning them to christianity easier for them to do.